Here's Eisley in concert, playing Invasion. In an unrelated note, Orson Scott Card has a great review of the new Harry Potter Movie at:

This guy named Wesley Jenson opened for them. He sounded a lot like them, actually. Sang with thier little sister. Friendly chap.
Stardust Trailer
For those who haven't seen it yet...this looks like one of the best movies of the summer.
I've discovered that I don't really like people who are obsessive about the operating systems they have. Nearly all of them bay for Bill Gates blood and regard themselves as the gods of the computer world. How to make them doesn't matter.
Bill Gates was a fabulous marketeer and understood faster than most people that the future was in software. Then he took over. Not his fault if his products are marginally dysfunctional. Sheesh. At least they're usable, and for most people....that's enough.
So let's leave it at that. It's not that important.
On the other hand, I am going to see Eisley tonight and am super happy about that.
as regards one of the previews below
What's up with the preview for The Dark is Rising? I finally got around to watching it, and then realized that I actually remembered that book and have the distinct impression that this movie is not about to capture the spirit of the book.
I have memories of this series being cool because the books were creepy, not campy. I'm disappointed.
On the other hand, it's hard to be depressed when you're listening to the Mamas and the Papas.
All the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey. I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
I don't even like California, but the song makes me happy.
Walden Media seems to be quite busy these days adapting famous british childrens' fantasy books...
Yeah. I finally saw King's Row, with Ronald Reagan (minus his legs). I really liked it, in spite of the other main character (one Robert Cummings) and his strained expressions.
Do you think it bothers Christopher Hitchens that his name is, well, Christopher? What with the whole "religion is poison" schpeel that gets him his bread and butter, it might lead to awkward questions. "Why are you name Christ-bearer?" Therefore I have decided to re-christen (hehe) him Destiny Hitchens. Still catchy.
Harry Potter!
So I just saw movie number five in the Harry Potter saga and it was SO SO SO SO SO good!!! Definitely the best movie so far, one of the more coherently put together of the flicks, and totally enthralling. They're all so old now! Ron's huge, the twins are huger, and Neville was almost decent looking (don't think anyone saw that coming)
There was an execptionally well put together preview for The Golden Compass before the movie. Too bad I can't in good conscience see it. Even if it does have Daniel Craig in it, Philip Pullman's still diabolically evil and ought to be chucked out a window. For heaven's sake, the louse said that CS Lewis was a morally corrupting influence on children, and altogether evil. He lies like a Calorman. He lies like an ape. Kudos to American kids for not being all that into his satanic series...although I'm afraid that says more about illiteracy in this country than moral qualms.
Back to Harry Potter. Snape is amazing. Absolutely amazing. The way Alan Rickman delivers the most banal lines blows my mind. Things like "Obviously" or "No idea" or "I think I may vomit." You say them to yourself and it's no big deal. You hear him say them and you fall out of your chair laughing.
Helena Bonahm (sp?) Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange was fantastic as well as Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy. On the other hand, I expect many people watched the film version of Dumbledore in great pain, fervently regretting Richard Harris's death.
As long as we're on the subject of magic and the fantastical, let's discuss the question: is it original to like (or love) The Lord of the Rings? I would say that in the sixties it was absolutely unoriginal, those books being a current fad in most college campuses. But what about now? I would venture to say that if you value your dignity and public perception of your brain power, you are being absolutely original in avowing any kind of attachment to the books, let alone (heaven forbid) having the lunacy to admit they might be your favorites works of literature. In these times, to say such (curse you, Pullman) infantile things is to consign yourself to a group of anti social, reclusive, most likely teenage, spectacle wearing and pocket protector sporting freaks who would just as soon speak Elvish as English, probably wear cloaks when they're alone (which would be most of the time) and treat the Silmarillion as Holy Writ.
It's terrifying.
Among the illuminati of the literary world, Tolkien is children's literature and regarded with fond condescencion. (sp???) The quaint, obsessive, perfectionist, old Englishman could spin a tale but has no right to be set among the greats. Why? Because he's too gosh darned accesible. Any person from any walk of life, at any age can enjoy his work. Teachers and writers with English doctorates are unwilling to label Tolkien as a genius because they don't have to spend hours and hours and thousands more pages explaining what it's all about. People intuitively understand that every page of The Lord of the Rings can relate directly to them, to the shabbiness and pettiness or the grandeur and glory of their lives. Tolkien wrote about "the people" for "the people". His literary labor has permeated the culture so thoroughly that the most uneducated schmuck on the street probably knows what a hobbit is.
For that, the litereary elite can never forgive him.
His work isn't considered original anymore. Ten thousand pathetic imitations spiralling off in all directions through the ensuing decades have seen to that. It's not exciting anymore. Ten million teenage freaks arguing over the pronunciation of Quenya versus Sindarin have seen to that. Tragic, but true.
Tolkien told a story that radiated all that's good and glorious about our lives, and all that's noble and worth fighting for. He showed countless readers the pride they could take in the daily execution of the most menial duties because they were part of the overwhelmingly beautiful scope of humanity. I think in strange sort of way, The Lord of the Rings showed a great many people how and why life is worth living, and for that I will always harbor an intense admiration and affection for his work.
But anyway, go see Harry Potter. It's good stuff!
Another blankety blank day in paradise
Global warming is going to kill us all...and me first.
What's with the 100+ degree weather? Seriously, I live in the Northwest for a reason. I don't like hot days. I start whining when it cracks 80, I refuse to go outside if it goes past 90, but 100? Please.
I know it's July and all, but how about some nice sunny days at a breezy 74? Sound good? Or maybe even a pleasant downpour.
Just make the sun go away.
Salmon Jerkey is good
Salmon Jerkey tastes like beef jerkey but with a very, very faint fishy aftertaste. And because it's salmon, it bothers me not a whit.
Our printer is stupid and prints with annoying lines through everything, even though I clean its printer heads for it. Machines are useless, they just break down. It's vexing. I'm terribly vexed.
So I finished a collection of Washington Irving short stories. Nathaniel Hawthorne is obsessed with Puritans and Washington Irving is obsessed with Dutchmen.
After soccer training camp thing today, we did the most fabulous ab workout, but if you want to know what it was, you will have to ask in a comment, because I'm so depressed about the lack of comments. And I KNOW people are reading this, because sometimes certain people will reference certain posts, and I will think...why did you not comment??? It's so sad to know that you are not talking to a brick wall, just people who refuse to acknowledge you in the cyberworld.
I would have a better work ethic if someone would comment. And Sarah's off the hook because I'm pretty sure there aren't any computers in Wyoming.
New Music

So one of my new favorite bands is Windmill. I haven't even heard their new album yet, Puddle City Racing Lights, but the two tracks I have are sweet stuff. They sound what would happen if Win Butler married Wayne Coyne. If that makes any sense.
As a bonus, I've added a track from the Pipettes, one of the girliest, bounciest, most addictive bands ever.
Tokyo Moon
Plastic Pre-Flight Seats
The Pipettes:
Pull Shapes
missa simplicitatae
Jean Langlais (sp?) is one of my favorite composers to sing. We got to practice the above mentioned mass tonight. Mucho allegro. Y feliz...
My favorite mass ever is Missa Solonelle, which I got to sing in France in the church Langlais wrote it for. Complete with machine gun riddled pews from WWII.
He's very French, but so dang cool.
Eisley in Portland
Independence Day

You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration and support and defend these states. Yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means. And that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even although we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not...
It may be the will of Heaven that America will suffer calamities still more wasting, and distress yet more dreadful. If this is to be the case, it will have this good effect at least. It will inspire us with many virtues which we have not, and correct many errors, follies and vices which threaten to disturb, dishonor and destroy us. The furnace of afflication produces refinement, in States as well as individuals...But I must submit all my hopes and fears to an overruling Providence, in which, unfashionable as the faith may be, I firmly believe.
John Adams was a prophetic and perspicacious individual. Just got the date wrong, that's all.
It's still an inspiring and beautiful letter, a few hundred years later.
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