
Order of the Phoenix

Good to see Mr. Radcliffe has his hair back under control again; here I believe is pictured "Dumbledore's Army", as described in the book. I can't remember precisely when the movie comes out...soon, no doubt. As a matter of fact, I don't even know who's directing it. I seem to have dried up as a source of information. I do know that most of the cast is still there, including the original Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who were supposedly going to only do the first three movies. Whatever. I seem to recall book #5 being described as ten pages of plot and 8oo pages of fluff (roughly...I'm paraphrasing here). It may be an accurate description, but what fluff! I rather enjoyed it, but then again, haven't read in in a couple years. I am interested in the movie, though, because if the book is mostly fluff, then it shouldn't be too hard to cut the movie down to size and then retain some of the more humorous elements. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

The director is a guy named David Yates. He's probably most famous for...this. Also directed such classics as The Tichborne Claimant, Good Looks, Oranges and Lemons...the list goes on and on.

Actually, given the stature of the other three directors, I have no idea why Yates got this job. Maybe it's because - as you say - the film is adapting "10 pages of plot, and 500 pages of fluff."

And Emma Watson is saying that she doesn't want to make all 7. Not sure if that's her agent talking, or if she actually wants to move on. Apparently, Grint and Radcliffe want to act in the future, and she doesn't.

I can respect that.

Ben Milton said...

That's too bad, she was one of my favorite actors in the movies...

Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

Order of the Phenix was my favorite book...I hope they make it well. I think it contains some of Rowling's best writing and as you said, there's fluff....but it's great fluff. It enlivens the story allot.

Zosia (z•O•sha') said...

Order of the Phenix was my favorite book...I hope they make it well. I think it contains some of Rowling's best writing and as you said, there's fluff....but it's great fluff. It enlivens the story allot.

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