

Ben, you clearly have too much time on your hands. You need to settle down into one template that you like, find contentment there, and leave it alone! All this changing is making me woozy. Anyway. Did you know that at both Marie Antoinette's and Empress Alexandra's (of Russia, the last one) weddings/coronations a huge amount of people were killed in seemingly random stampedes? Pretty weird. At Marie's party a small fire started near the fireworks and people ran in all directions, crushing each other as a result. At Alexandra's, the big crowd that gathered for the free food and gifts broke through the barrier and again, many (as in the thousands) were crushed to death. So when you get married, make sure to avoid giving receptions in small halls adn employ riot police if need be. Both these ladies met gruesome ends, and I'm sure we don't want to repeat the mistake...


Ben Milton said...

Ok, so maybe I do. Or rather I don't but I get distracted. :) Still, I thought a new template might be fun, if I can find an interesting one. Tried out that sunburst one, but it wasn't really jiving, so we're back again. I couldn't get it to put up comments anyway, and all the tweaking I had to do to the code was making me woozy.

Ben Milton said...

Ahha!! I got rid of that pesky navbar at the top of the page!!

Joseph Susanka said...
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"Father Barry" said...

Plus, the color was...how shall I put it...bright. (And I was completely lost.) At least now I know my way around again...

Catherine_Creagan said...

Now that Ben has decided to calm down, I'm back from my self imposed exile. Greetings! Say, I kind of like the way we have it right now, let's just leave it.

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