
Just so you know...

Rumor has it that Cap is not really dead, but in critical condition on the Raft, an instalation of some kind. Can't really verify this as I have no money or access to the source material, but there you go. I feel a little better now. To think, I wouldn't have even known about this whole thing if Catherine hadn't brought it up... Someone's probably going to take over his role until he recovers/resurects. The whole thing stinks of free promotion for the Captain America movie. :P


Catherine_Creagan said...

Hold the phone! Ben learned something about a comic book from ME??!! It's staggering.

Unknown said...

What??? You mean they would sell out to the "man" and try to get free publicity? Horrors!

Oh, and Ben? Spell check. Learn it. Live it. Love it.


Ben Milton said...

Sorry. My rabid fandom overcame for a moment my obsessive attention to proper English. :)

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